Specialising in the radio aspects of the Titanic  disaster



The Titanic radio department - a brief background..


The Titanic's "wireless" equipment was the most powerful in use at the time. The main transmitter was a rotary spark design, powered by a 5 kW motor alternator, fed from the ship's lighting circuit.

The equipment operated into a 4 wire antenna suspended between the ship's 2 masts, some 250 feet above the sea. There was also a battery powered emergency transmitter.

The main transmitter was housed in a special room, known as the "Silent Room". This room was located next door to the operating room, and specially insulated to reduce interference to the main receiver.

The equipment's guaranteed working range was 250 miles, but communications could be maintained for up to 400 miles during daylight and up to 2000 miles at night.

The Titanic Marconi room set from the James Cameron movie.

This set quite accurately portrays Titanic's sister ship Olympic's Marconi Room.

The Titanic set was based on archival pictures of Olympic, with the window omitted (see the Olympic photo below). 


Another view of the Titanic radio room set from the James Cameron movie.

Clearly, no expense has been spared...note the Marconi uniform cap on the operating desk.


Olympic's Marconi Room - taken on her maiden voyage.  Note the external porthole in the centre of picture.  

Titanic's Marconi Room was located inboard (more detail later).



The only known photograph of Titanic's Marconi room. Taken by passenger Fr. Browne, who disembarked in Queenstown.

Operator is probably Harold Bride. Photograph from the Fr. Browne collection.



 Titanic carried 2 Radio Officers (or, as they were known in those days, Marconi wireless operators or telegraphists).

In charge was 25 year old John (Jack) G. Phillips (left), with 21 year old Harold Bride (right) as the deputy or second R/O.

The R/O's remained at their posts until about 3 minutes before the vessel foundered... even after being released from their duties by the Captain.

Harold Bride remarked that water could be heard flooding into the wheelhouse as he and Jack Phillips abandoned the radio room. Jack Phillips was still sending as the power supply to the radio room failed...

The Titanic Radio Officers did great honour to their profession.

Jack Phillips died of hypothermia on or near Collapsible lifeboat B - his body was never recovered......

Harold Bride left the sea after WW1, and faded into obscurity. He died in Scotland in 1956.

The left hand photo actually shows the Marconi wireless Room of the Titanic's sister ship Olympic, with Radio Officer Brent receiving a message.

In the right hand picture Phillips and another R/O (NOT Harold Bride) are shown on the White Star vessel "Adriatic" (both photos from the Father Browne collection).



Titanic's radio callsign

 Titanic was assigned the callsign MUC in January 1912. Some time after January, Titanic's callsign was changed to MGY - this was previously assigned to the US vessel Yale.

As the dominant marine radio company of the time, Marconi allocated their own callsigns, most of which began with the letter M - these basically identified a Marconi installation, regardless of its location or the country of registration of the vessel in which it was installed.

Callsign allocation was eventually standardised at the London radio conference of 1912 (post Titanic), with prefixes being allocated on an international basis. UK coast stations and ships thenceforth used the letters G or M as the first letter of their callsigns. US ships and stations used K, N and W, German stations and ships used D, Italians I, French F, etc.

Trials and commissioning

The Marconi equipment was delivered to the vessel in time for sea trials on April 2.  Phillips and Bride spent the day completing the installation and adjusting the equipment.  They exchanged test calls with coast stations at Malin Head (Nth coast of Ireland), callsign MH and Liverpool (actually known as "Seaforth"), callsign LV.

By this stage the "wireless" was in almost constant use, with sea trial reports flowing from Captain Smith to Bruce Ismay (Managing Director) at the company offices in Liverpool.

By April 3, the equipment was adjusted and working correctly - Phillips and Bride exchanged messages with coast stations at Teneriffe (2000 miles away) and even Port Said (more than 3000 miles distant).

Both Radio Officers left the ship at Southampton for a short period.  Phillips signed back on articles on April 6 when he returned briefly to check the spare parts.  Bride returned on board at 2330 on April 9.

Watch hours

Both men were up early on sailing day, April 10, conducting final testing of the equipment.  They arranged watches by personal agreement: Phillips, the chief, took the 2000 - 0200 watch, whilst Bride was on duty between 0200 - 0800.  There were no fixed watch hours during the day: the men relieved each other to suit mutual convenience, however a continuous watch was maintained.

Location of the radio room

The "Marconi room" was situated on the boat deck (ie: the same deck as the bridge), at the after end of the superstructure containing the bridge and officer's accommodation - it was about 40 feet aft from the bridge, connected via the corridor which ran down the port side of the officer's quarters.

The operating room was in the centre of the accommodation - it did not have an outside facing porthole.  Natural light was provided via a skylight in the deckhead (ceiling).

The R/O's sleeping accommodation was in a separate room to starboard of the operating room - connected to the operating room by an interconnecting door.  The R/O's shared the officer's toilet/washroom facilities across the corridor.

The Silent Room, containing the main transmitter, was immediately to port of the operating room.

The operating room was connected to the ship's 50 line telephone exchange.  However, it appears that there was no direct telephone connection to the bridge.

This problem was rectified on Titanic's sister ships Olympic and Britanic after the disaster - a speaking tube was installed which connected the operating room to the bridge..

Passenger traffic

As the liner's departure preparations were completed, both R/O's prepared for the daily onslaught of passenger communications directed to and from "ADVISELUM", the wireless code word assigned to Titanic for passenger's personal traffic.

Passengers sent their telegrams at the inquiry office, on the starboard side of the forward first class entrance.  The handwritten messages were paid for at the desk, at the rate of 12 shillings and sixpence for the first 10 words, and 9 pence per word thereafter (a substantial sum in 1912, although not for a first class passenger…).

Telegrams were sent to the radio room by pneumatic tube.  At the end of the day, a balance was struck between the purser's clerk and the R/O's regarding the number of chargeable words sent.

Incoming passenger messages were received by hand by the duty R/O, and typed on a telegram form by the other R/O. Passenger traffic was sent from the radio room to the inquiry desk using the pneumatic tube.

Messages concerning navigation were delivered directly to the bridge.  Similarly, messages for the Captain were delivered by the R/O's to the Captain's cabin, down the starboard passage of the officer's quarters.

In the 36 hours between leaving Southampton and the collision, the Titanic's R/O's received and sent 250 passenger telegrams.

Distress Radio Traffic

The distress traffic listed in the section below is a paraphrased account of the messages sent and received by the Titanic and nearby vessels. Verbatim transcripts of messages are included where available.

By necessity, some of these morse code messages contain abbreviations used by ship's Radio Officers. For historical accuracy, these abbreviations have been left in the messages, with the occasional explanatory note added in brackets.

The messages represent a compilation of the traffic received and sent by vessels in the vicinity of the Titanic. The list of messages was prepared by the Marconi Company in response to a request from the UK Board of Trade for their official inquiry into the loss of the vessel.

The Marconi Company generated the compilation by reference to the "Process-verbal" (an original term for radio log book) of all ships in the area under their control - at that time Marconi employed almost all the Radio Officers afloat...

It should be noted that the message times may not be completely accurate, as the messages are a compilation of many individual log books.

Unfortunately, the Titanic's radio log book went down with the vessel...

Comments and clarifications have been added as a result of my research.

Distress calls

The message "CQD" means a general call to all vessels, which indicates the vessel sending is in distress and requires immediate assistance.  At the time of the sinking, the Marconi company's "CQD" was still in common use, although it had been officially replaced by the well known "SOS" - which, by the way, does NOT mean "Save Our Souls" or anything so melodramatic - it was chosen specifically to be easily and instantly recognisable in morse - "dit dit dit, dah dah dah, dit dit dit".

Such was the dominance of Marconi over the infant marine radio industry that many ships still used CQD, rather than the official distress signal SOS.

This can be seen in the Titanic's initial and final distress calls - Jack Phillips stuck to the company CQD signal to the end....

Radio callsigns

In 1912, ships were issued with 3 letter callsigns (this later changed to 4, as more ships were fitted with wireless).


The messages -

Titanic time


12-15 a.m

CQD (6 times) DE (this is) MGY (6 times) position 41.44 N. 50.24 W

La Provence and Frankfurt receive Titanic's first distress signals.

 Titanic sends position to Frankfurt. Frankfurt says "OK: stand by"

12-15 a.m

Mount Temple heard Titanic sending CQD Says require assistance. Gives position. Cannot hear me (sic). Advise my Captain (sic) his position at 41.46 N. 50.24 W.

12-15 a.m.

Cape Race coast station hears Titanic giving position on CQD 41.44 N. 50.24 W.

12-18 a.m.

Ypiranga hears CQD from Titanic.   Titanic gives CQD here (sic).  Position 41.44 N. 50.24 W. Require assistance (calls about 10 times).

12-25 a.m.

Carpathia calls Titanic and says "do you know that Cape Cod is sending a batch of messages for you ?"

 Titanic says "Come at once. We have struck a berg.

It's a CQD OM (it's a distress situation old man) Position 41.46 N. 50.14 W."

Carpathia says "Shall I tell my Captain ?. Do you require assistance ?"

 Titanic says "yes, come quick"

12-25 a.m.

Cape Race hears MGY (Titanic) give corrected position 41.46 N. 50.14 W. Calling him, no answer. (Titanic's 4th Officer Boxhall had just provided a corrected position to the radio room)

12-25 a.m.

MGY (Titanic) says CQD, Here (is my) corrected position 41.46 N. 50.14 W. Require immediate assistance. We have collision with iceberg. Sinking. Can hear nothing for noise of steam (engineers releasing excess steam pressure from boilers to minimise risk of explosion) Sent about 15 to 20 times to Ypiranga.

12-26 a.m.

DKF (Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm) calls MGY (Titanic) and gives position at 12 a.m. 39.47 N. 50.10 W.

MGY (Titanic) says, "Are you coming to our ?" "We have collision with iceberg. Sinking. Please tell Captain to come." DKF says, "O.K. will tell"

12-27 a.m.

Titanic sends following: "I require assistance immediately. Struck by iceberg in 41.46 N. 50.14 W."

12-30 a.m.

Caronia sent CQ message (message addressed to all ships) to MBC Baltic and CQD (ie: a distress relay message): MGY (Titanic)  struck iceberg, require immediate assistance

12-30 a.m.

Mount Temple hears MGY (Titanic) still calling CQD. Our (sic) Captain reverses ship. We are about 50 miles off.

12-34 a.m.

Mount Temple hears Frankfurt give MGY (Titanic) his position 39.47 N. 52.10 W.

Titanic says (to Frankfurt) " are you coming to our

assistance ?"

Frankfurt says : "what is the matter with you ?"

Ttianic says "We have struck an iceberg and sinking. Please tell Captain to come"

Frankfurt replies "O.K. Will tell the bridge right away"

Titanic says "O.K., yes, quick."

12-45 a.m.

Titanic calls Olympic (Olympic is Titanic's sister ship - 500 miles away en route to England) SOS - (first use of "SOS" by Titanic- Bride jokingly suggests to Phillips that it may be his last chance to use the new distress call).

12-50 a.m.

Titanic calls CQD and says, "I require immediate assistance. Position 41.46 N. 50.14 W." Received by Celtic.

12-53 a.m.

Caronia to MBC (Baltic) and SOS,"MGY (Titanic) CQD in 41.46 N. 40.14 W. Wants immediate assistance."

1-0 a.m.

MGY gives distress signal. DDC (Cincinatti) replies. MGY's position 41.46 N. 50.14 W. Assistance from DDC (Cincinatti) not necessary as MKC (Olympic) shortly afterwards answers distress call.

1-0 a.m.

Titanic replies to Olympic and gives his position as 41.46 N. 50.14 W., and says, "We have struck an iceberg."

1-2 a.m.

Titanic calls Asian and said, "Want immediate assistance" Asian answered at once and received Titanic's position as 41.46 N. 50.14 W., which he immediately takes to the bridge. Captain instructs operator to have Titanic's position repeated.

1-2 a.m.

Virginian calls Titanic but gets no response. Cape Race tells Virginian to report to his Captain the Titanic has struck iceberg and requires immediate assistance.

1-10 a.m.

Titanic to MKC (Olympic), "We are in collision with berg. Sinking Head down. 41.46 N. 50.14 W. Come soon as possible."

1-10 a.m.

Titanic to MKC (Olympic), Captain says, "Get your boats ready. What is your position?"

1-15 a.m.

Baltic to Caronia, "Please tell Titanic we are making towards her."

1-20 a.m

Virginian hears MCE (Cape Race) inform MGY (Titanic) "that we are going to his assistance. Our position 170 miles N. of Titanic."

1-25 a.m.

Caronia tells Titanic, "Baltic coming to your assistance"

1-25 a.m

Olympic sends position to Titanic 4-24 a.m. G.M.T. 40.52 N. 61.18 W, and asks "Are you steering southerly to meet us?" Titanic replies, "We are putting the women off in the boats."

1-27 a.m

Titanic says, "We are putting the women off in the boats."

1-30 a.m

Titanic tells Olympic, "We are putting passengers off in small boats." "Women and Children in boats, can not last much longer"

1-35 a.m.

Olympic asks Titanic what weather he had. Titanic replies, "Clear and calm."

1-35 a.m

Baltic hears Titanic say "Engine room getting flooded." (Captain Smith had just visited the Titanic's radio room and advised this to Phillips and Bride)

1-35 a.m.

Mount Temple hears DFT (Frankfurt) ask "are there any boats around you already?" No reply

1-37 a.m.

Baltic tells Titanic, "We are rushing to you."

1-40 a.m.

Olympic to Titanic "Am lighting up all possible boilers as fast as (we) can."

1-40 a.m.

Cape Race says to Virginia: "Please tell your Captain this: "The Olympic is making all speed for Titanic, but his (Olympic's) position is 40.32 N. 61.18 W. You are much nearer to Titanic. The Titanic is already putting women off in the boats, and he says the weather there is calm and clear. The Olympic is the only ship we have heard say, "Going to the assistance of Titanic.  The others must be a long way from Titanic

1-45 a.m.

Last signals heard from Titanic by Carpathia, "Come as quickly as possible old man: the engine-room is filling up to the boilers"

1-45 a.m.

Mount Temple hears Frankfurt calling Titanic. No reply.

1-47 a.m.

Caronia hears Titanic though signals unreadable still


Virginia hears Titanic calling very faintly, his power being greatly reduced.

(At 2-05 a.m. the Captain visits the wireless room for the last time and says:

"Men, you have done your full duty. You can do no more. Abandon your cabin. Now it's every man for himself"

Phillips looks up for a second, and then bends over the equipment once more. Captain Smith tries again "You look out for yourselves. I release you." A pause, then he adds softly "That's the way of it at this kind of time....every man for himself" He then leaves the wireless room. Phillips continues sending)

1-48 a.m.

Asian heard Titanic call SOS Asian answers Titanic but receives no answer.

DFT (Frankfurt) calls Titanic and says, "What is the matter with u ?"

1-50 a.m.

 Titanic says to Frankfurt "You fool, stdbi and keep out"

Caronia hears Frankfurt working to Titanic.  Frankfurt according to position 172 miles from MGY (Titanic) at time first SOS sent out.

1-55 a.m.

Cape Race says to Virginian "we have not heard Titanic  for about half an hour. His power may be gone."


During this period Phillips and Bride are struggling with a stoker who entered the wireless room and tried to steal Phillips life jacket. Bride holds the stoker, while Phillips punches him. The stoker is (presumably) knocked unconscious.

2-10 a.m.

Virginian hears 2 v's signalled faintly in spark similar to Titanic's (Most probably Phillips was transmitting a test signal whilst Bride adjusted the main transmitter motor-generator field regulators to compensate for the dying power supply from the engine room).

2-17 a.m.

Virginian hears Titanic call CQ (call to all ships) , but unable to read him. Titanic's signals end very abruptly as (if) power suddenly switched off. His spark rather blurred or ragged...

(Phillips had actually intended to send "CQD DE MGY", however at this point there is a loss of all power to the radio room - water can be heard flooding the wheelhouse - Phillips says to Bride "Come on, let's clear out". Bride climbs to the roof of the officer's quarters and assists with launching collapsible lifeboat B - Phillips disappears aft.)

2-17 a.m.

Virginian Called Titanic and suggested he should try emergency set, but heard no response

2-20 a.m.

Virginian to Olympic,"have you heard anything about Titanic"   Olympic says, "No. Keeping strict watch, but hear nothing more from Titanic. No reply from him"


2-20 a.m.

This was the official time the ship foundered in 41.46 N. 50.14 W. as given by the Carpathia in message to the Olympic.

2-35 a.m.

Mount Temple hears MPA (Carpathia) send, "If you are there we are firing rockets."

2-40 a.m.

MPA (Carpathia) calling MGY (Titanic).

2-58 a.m.

SBA (Birma) thinks he hears Titanic so sends, "Steaming full speed for you. Shall arrive you 6-0 in morning. Hope you are safe. We are only 50 miles now."

3-0 a.m.

MPA (Carpathia) calling MGY (Titanic)

3-28 a.m.

La Provence to Celtic, "Nobody has heard the Titanic for about 2 hours."

4-24 a.m.

SBA (Birma) says "we are 30 miles S.W. off Titanic".

6-40 a.m.

Parisian hears weak signals from MPA (Carpathia) or some station saying Titanic struck iceberg. Carpathia has passengers from lifeboats

6-40 a.m.

Asian, with German oil tank in tow for Halifax asked what news of MGY (Titanic). Sends service (message) later saying heard MGY (Titanic) v. faint working. C. Race up to 10.0 p.m., local time. Finished calling SOS midnight.

7-40 a.m.

6-45 a.m. Mount Temple hears MPA (Carpathia) report rescued 20 boat loads.

8-07 a.m.

Baltic sends following to Carpathia: "Can I be of any assistance to you as regards taking some of the passengers from you? Will be in position about 4-30. Let me know if you alter your position."

8-10 a.m.

Baltic in communication with MPA. (Carpathia). Exchanged traffic re passengers, and get instructions to proceed to Liverpool

8-15 a.m.

Baltic turns round for Liverpool, having steamed 134 miles W. towards Titanic

8-40 a.m.

Mount Temple hears MPA (Carpathia) call CQ and say, no need to std. Bi (stand by) him. Advise my Captain (sic), who has been cruising round the icefield with no result. Ship reversed.

8-45 a.m.

Olympic sent MSG (message) to Owners, New York via Sable Island saying, "Have not communicated with Titanic since midnight."

8-55 a.m.

Carpathia replies to Baltic, "Am proceeding to Halifax or New York full speed. You had better proceed to Liverpool. Have about 800 passengers on board."

9-0 a.m.

Carpathia to Virginian: "We are leaving here with all on board about 800 passengers. Please return to your Northern course."

Harold Cottam - Radio Officer of the rescue ship "Carpathia" - on deck outside the ship's radio room (taken in New York after the disaster). Cottam knew Bride personally.

Chief Radio Officer Moore (L) and Second Radio Officer Bagat (R) of the Olympic (Titanic's sister ship) - all distress traffic with the Titanic was handled by Moore.  Olympic's Captain Haddock was particularly impressed with Moore's performance during the disaster, reporting to the Marconi Company: "'Can scarcely speak too highly of these officers' conduct at a very trying and anxious time.
'Mr Moore, especially worthy of promotion. Thoughtful, reliable."


R/O's from various ships involved in the disaster.